On Sunday Gmac told me she recently found a restaurant pager in her purse and she doesn't remember where it came from so she's going to carry it around and ask every restaurant she visits until she figures it out.

Somewhere, there is a table patiently waiting for an 85-year-old woman.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:

With Hannah Rose and Skylar at Lagoon.

Was this actually a problem?

With raffle winner, Lisa. (Not pictured, a leopard-print Snuggie)


Taking a nap with Meg's child.

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

Photoshop battles (some language). Thanks, Michelle.

And some more. Thanks, Kim.

Goat yoga is a thing. Thanks, MariLee.

What it's like to be a young Ukrainian in a war zone.

Sleeping bag suit. Thanks, Christie.

The most popular TV shows in each state. Thanks, Krishelle.

Woman marries pizza. Thanks, Sam.

The 13 scariest freshwater animals. Thanks, Jared.

Please join us on the Facebooks and follow me and Doodle on Insta at eliwmccann and mr_duncan_doodle.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at itjustgetsstranger@gmail.com.

~It Just Gets Stranger