It Just Gets Stranger is a website launched in 2007 by writer Eli McCann. Here, stories are gathered and vomited in written, audio, or visual form.
On the Daily page you'll find regular updates about the Stranger community and Eli's bloggy ramblings (he still thinks he's a Draper mom from the mid-2000s). Eli started this site in 2007 in an effort to update his family about whatever the hell he was doing in 2007. Readers from across the world started following the journey along when he posted Snuggie Texts in 2011. Ever since, the Stranger community has grown and blossomed into a place where storytellers show up and yell at you about their lives.
In the Features page you'll find articles and art from talented storytellers and writers. Sometimes they write about their embarrassing childhoods. Sometimes it's stories about navigating Utah in the 90s. Sometimes the articles are thoughtful, but we try not to shove that crap down your throat too much.
And in the Strangerville page you'll find our latest podcast episodes and information about upcoming live storytelling shows and how you can get tickets. Sometimes these shows serve wine, but on the DL. We do consider this to be a family show. Mostly. Eli's mother would dispute this occasionally. Specifically when she shakes her head while reading Bible swears on this site.
Please, follow along with us in this Strange place where sometimes Strangers really do have the best candy.
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