Today is my baby sister Micalyne's 60-somethingth birthday. For some reason she's always stuck at age 16 in my mind. Which makes her story a really strange one. Because she has two kids now. And one of those kids is like almost five years old. Which makes me really sad for my 16-year-old sister. But on the other hand, she has a pretty good job and owns a house. So, she's sort of an impressive 16-year-old.
Why is my younger sibling 30 years more advanced in life than I am?
Happy birthday, Muggy. Sorry for all those times I tried to get Cathie to walk fast in the grocery store when you were three because I didn't think you could keep up and I wanted to try to lose you.
And now, your pictures and distractions.
Looking out from the office. A wintry Salt Lake wonderland.
I was hanging out with my friend Ben on Tuesday when we decided to purchase and consume an entire Baskin Robbins ice cream birthday cake. We asked the girl to draw anything she wanted on it. She drew a black cat. It's like she knew me.
I'm very proud of these banana breads I gave out as office gifts. I feel like Pinterest is going to sue me over this.
My 80-something year old grandma always gets such thoughtful Christmas gifts from her grandchildren.
On Christmas day I was hanging out with my niece Kamree at my grandma's house when we realized we were sitting in the exact spot we were in exactly 6 years previously when the picture on the left was taken (please mock my black hair openly). So we recreated it. Except this time we included the slightest hint of eye wrinkles.
******Stranger Picture of the Week
From Taylor. "For Christmas my coworker got me a metal chicken. The Queen of Colors has been watching me while I work and it is a bit freaky." Godspeed, Taylor. May your soul be protected.
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing: