I literally almost laughed myself into a coma several months ago when someone reached out to me and Skylar and said they wanted to put us in a wedding magazine. Y'all, when Skylar told me a few years ago that if I didn't make an honest woman out of him and tie the knot he was going to run off with Mr. T or whoever, my first comment was "can we hire clowns?"
Whenever we sat down to plan the nuptials, I would propose slapdash elopement. Truly, if it wasn't for Skylar's insistence that we put some effort into this, I would have gotten married in a dumpster behind a McDonald's built under a freeway overpass. Where would I find a McDonald's built under a freeway overpass? I don't know. Stop asking me to plan a wedding. I already did that and I refuse to do it again.
Skylar's most compelling argument for why we should spend enough money to fund seven separate NASA missions on our wedding was that "we owe it to our friends and family who have supported and loved us our whole lives to give them a really nice party."
This attitude honestly completely changed my perspective on weddings. I had previously only thought of them through a groomzilla lens—sort of a "HOW CAN I MAKE MY SPECIAL DAY EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MEEEE?!" But as soon as I started thinking about it more as a "how can we put on a really nice party for our friends and family to thank them for all their support and for just showing up in the first place" made wedding planning a lot more fun.
Ultimately, Skylar was 100% correct about wanting to put effort and thought into the wedding (please don't tell him I said that. I would hate for him to know I think highly of him or complimented him in any way). It really was the most terrifically wonderful day. The happiest day of my whole stupid life. I think our guests enjoyed it, too (or they at least pretended to enjoy it).
And now we're in Utah Bride & Groom magazine (I'm the bride).

By the way, you absolutely must check out this week's Strangerville if you haven't already. I share the story of what happened after our wedding reception, and then there is a truly wild story about a Bolivian surgery. I promise you this will be worth your time.
This time in Strangerville, Eli needs to get back to the klerbbb, Meg is not interested in joining him, and a woman goes on a wild Bolivian journey thanks to an emergency surgery.
Bolivian Appendectomy, by Sara Bybee Fisk (music by Lobo Loco)
Production by Eli McCann & Meg Walter
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~It Just Gets Stranger