The Siblings Other Idiots on the Road On Saturday we had our annual family adult Christmas outing. Wait. That sounds wrong. That sounds like my family once a year engages in x-rated Christmas festivities. You know what I mean. The adults get together and have an evening in December where nobody
Yahoo Answers Yahoo! Answers IV I hope it's not too soon, but today I bring you Yahoo! Answers IV. I want to scoop all of these people up and take them home with
Ridiculous The Way the World Works Have you ever gone to a road race? There is one thing that is certain to happen at literally every single road race that is ever planned: they will not have your shirt size. This is absolutely the case 100% of the time. No
FYI The End of the World In case you hadn't heard yet, the world is ending on May 21st (this coming Saturday). See These people mean business. When I tried to order a bumper sticker from them this afternoon, I was told that it'
Ridiculous Oil Change Last week I went somewhere to get my oil changed. There are only 8 things I hate worse than getting my oil changed (8. Moving, 7. My foot disease, 6. Wet locker room floors, 5. Animals, 4. The Blackberry Pearl, 3. Swimming laps in
Tellin' It Like It Is Award Tech "Support" This one is for all of you who have ever called tech support. Or customer service numbers for that matter.I had quite the fantastic experience this week which I
Politics The 30 Page Ballot After tragically getting rejected at the voting booth two days ago, I decided today that it was probably inspired as I haven't really checked out any of the issues I would be voting on and the only thing I was sure about
Ridiculous Every Child's Nightmare: A True and Tragic Tale Part II By way of update: It's not me. It's him. As you know, I am going through a healing process right now in which I'm learning to come to grips with the fact that this 10 year old despises
Tellin' It Like It Is Award The Scandal Well I've completed day 2 of a 3-day-long BYU law school orientation (emphasis on the "long"). It's been pretty interesting so far and by
Ridiculous The Dead Bird Massacre Part II Trust me. I didn't know there would be a part II either but my parents' backyard seems determined to be a toxic wasteland of death or some sort of bird graveyard. I really don't understand why this keeps happening