Rebecca: And GUESS WHAT ELSE?!
Eli: No. I don't have time for this. We said we were going to be getting work done right now.
Rebecca: I know. But the pillow barrier fell over.
Eli: Huh?
Rebecca: I put up this large pillow to block my view from you. But then it fell over.
Eli: And?
Rebecca: Well it was working really well. I wasn't tempted to distract you by talking when I couldn't see you. Because I'm basically like a horse and if I can't see you sitting there, I think you're probably not there.
Eli: I am so concerned about you.
Rebecca: But then the pillow fell over and I saw you sitting there and it reminded me that I need to tell you something.
Eli: Ok. I feel like that absurd explanation just earned you a couple of minutes of talk time.
Rebecca: I was thinking about how I want to get to know so-and-so better.
Eli: Why? Because you think he's hot?
Rebecca: Eh. He's fine. He's like ranked the same as you.
Eli: And what am I ranked?
Rebecca: A 7. An 8 when you wear a suit. A 6 when you really need a haircut.
Eli: I'm sometimes a 6?!
Rebecca: Don't stress about it. There are a lot of ones through fives who would be happy to have what you have.
Eli: But I'm striving to be a 10!
Rebecca: Eli. Brad Pitt is a 10. You're never gonna be a 10.
Eli: What about if--
Rebecca: No.
Eli: Not even if--
Rebecca: No.
Eli: But--
Rebecca: Look. I'm a 6 through 8 as well. It's really a perfectly acceptable place to be. Being a 10 is impractical. Because looks fade. And plus, when you're a 10, you never know why people are really being nice to you. We always know why people are nice to us.
Eli: Because of our charm?
Rebecca: No. Because we give our friends candy when they come over.
Eli: Oh. Good point.
Rebecca: And the sooner you stop wasting your time trying to be a 10, the sooner you can devote that time to eating candy. AND CHEESE!
Eli: All good points. By the way, did you see I bought string cheese in bulk at Costco today?
Rebecca: OMG you just became a 9.
Eli: I'm starting to doubt your entire rating system.
~It Just Gets Stranger
Rebecca Rates Eli
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