We've escaped the war zone in Ukraine for the less dramatic Poland. Brandt and I rolled in on the midnight train last night. Actually, maybe that's misleading. The train left L'viv at midnight, traveled the twelve or so feet it takes to get to Krakow, but took four centuries to do so. This was because the people at border crossing from Ukraine to Poland acted like we were trying to go to Afghanistan to sell drugs.
Not that I know what those are, Cathie.
We were alone on the train with the exception of an older couple (age 70 or so) who had also been wandering around Ukraine for the last few weeks and were royally FREAKED OUT to be taking an all-night train anywhere. The woman could be heard from time-to-time screaming at her husband, "at least put some underwear on!"
We loved them.
I would love to share exactly 200,000 pictures of L'viv with you so you can be bombarded with the same images I've forced upon my dear friends over at what the kids are calling "the Instagrams," but I'm not exactly sure how to do that on this computer in this Internet cafe. So I may have to wait to do that until next week. And now you have another reason to live.
So for now, I'll just share with you one quick video Brandt and I took in L'viv during our three wonderful days there.
You guys. L'viv is the most wonderful city on the planet. We wandered the streets and underground caverns for three days, eating borsch, chatting with bobs, meeting up with old friends, jamming with street performers, and trying to find jobs so we could stay forever and never have to come back to the country that is STILL producing Glee.
Anyway, we were sitting in a cafe for a while, reading, when two girls sat down near us and began talking. They spoke in Ukrainian and obviously assumed that we couldn't understand them because Brandt and I were speaking English to one another.
For one full hour they talked about us. Loudly. Making comments you shouldn't say in front of mixed company. Nothing unkind. But definitely VERY embarrassing. And if you can believe it, in all of that, not one single mention of our hair.
Finally we decided it was time to let them know that we knew what they had been saying. So I picked up my phone and pretended to make a phone call. Brandt recorded a video of their reaction as they quickly discover that we caught every word.
This might be my new favorite video of all time. Enjoy.
~It Just Gets Stranger
L'viv Surprise
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