Last week I posted Disneyland Emails. I had sent emails to a few different places in the massive Disneyland network. The response I got from Aimee happened first, but I also got a response from another person. I wasn't going to post this because it didn't got on for very long, but then I thought that Michelle needed to be shared with the world.
To: Disneyland
From: June Snapple
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Dear Disneyland,
I am looking to have a magical fairy-tale wedding, but due to some circumstances entirely outside of my control, it is necessary that I request a few special accommodations. With whom should I speak regarding these accommodations?
June Snapple
Flicks for Trix, Founder
To: June Snapple
From: Disneyland
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Good morning June,
Thank you for your information request. Please list your concerns and I will attempt to address them.
To: Disneyland
From: June Snapple
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Thank you, Michelle,
Primarily, I just need to have the park cleared of children on my wedding day. Also, I intend to bring most of my cats (don't worry! I'm only bringing the ones that are potty trained!). We've never been apart for more than a few hours and I want to make sure they can be there to share my special day. Do you provide cat clothes or would I need to bring my own?
June Snapple
Guardian Angel, Inmate # 559246
To: June Snapple
From: Disneyland
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Dear June,
Congratulations on your engagement! Our park weddings, if approved, would be a private event. We do not have park wedding during normal park hours so you may invite whomever you would like.
I love the idea of having your cats involved in the ceremony, however we do not allow this at our weddings. If you need to have your cats at the ceremony with you, I would suggest going to a local public park or even having the ceremony at home, that way the cats that are not potty trained can also be a part of your big day!
I'm not familiar with a vendor that supplies cat clothes, but I did find this website that does:
If you would like more information regarding Disney Fairy Tale Wedding packages please let me know the following: Wedding date or possible date range and approximate number of guests. Once I have these answers from you, I will be able to provide you with the most appropriate information.
MichelleWedding Sales Manager
To: Disneyland
From: June Snapple
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Dear Michelle,
I thank you so kindly for your extremely helpful information. I'm quite surprised that you don't allow cats in the park considering that you proclaim to be "the happiest place on Earth." In my experience, a venue is improved by feline participation. In any event, I wonder whether your prohibition even applies to the service animal cats? I suspect that you would be willing to allow my service animal cats entry to the park for purposes of attending my wedding and accompanying me on one of the Pirates of the Caribbean boats. (Don't worry. They are all proficient swimmers, should anything go awry. I'm currently training them for kitty Olympics, which, as you know, is now only a few weeks away OMG WHERE DOES THE TIME GO!??).
I would prefer to the do the wedding this weekend. My arch-nemisis is getting married on Monday, which is the main reason I'm looking to get married at all. We used to live together but then one day I woke up and found out that she had cut off all of my hair while I was asleep so she could make a fake beard for a gig she had at the mall that week. (Santa). The most frustrating part was that as it turned out, she got the dates mixed up and the mall wanted her in December but it was already February 22nd. Needless to say, I was not pleased when I went to the mall that Thursday and waited in line for what I thought was going to be Santa but what instead turned out to be an overpriced pretzel.
As to the guest list, I don't actually have any guests coming (besides the cats, of course). I was wondering which Disney characters might be available to attend the wedding and give speeches about our time together in college. I will also need a maid of honor and I'm willing to accept pretty much anyone. But NOT Slut-erella. She knows what she did. That glass slipper made it around the block one too many times if you ask me.
June Snapple
Employee of the Year, Shakee's
To: June Snapple
From: Disneyland
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Dear June,
Of course your service animal cats are welcome in the happiest place on Earth, but I would feel so sad for your other cats to be excluded. I really think a local park might be the best option for you. All of your cats deserve to wear pretty dresses on your special day.
To: Disneyland
From: June Snapple
Subject: My Special Fairy-Tale Wedding
Well this is great news! Because literally all of my cats are service animals! So ALL of them can come to Disneyland!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!! But really, how many can fit in one of the Pirates boats. I googled a picture and it looks like I may only be able to get 30 or so in one boat and I would hate to have to choose which ones could ride with me. Would park employees be available to accompany the other cats on the additional boats? I shouldn't think we would need more than 4 or 5.
By the way, what is your policy on bringing weapons into the park? Is this a don't ask, don't tell situation?
June Snapple
NRA President
~It Just Gets Stranger
Disneyland Emails II
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