Emails Fan Mail Please enjoy the below email exchange I had with an avid fan recently: From: Larry To: It Just Gets Stranger Subject: Pathetic Eli I wanted to let you know that
Emails Hippie School Emails Recently I met someone who works at something called a "Montessori" school. He gave me a very long explanation for what this is but basically it's
Emails Emails with a Tickler Last week one Stranger named Kate sent me the below Craigslist ad: To: Craigslist Tickler From: June Snapple Subject: **Seeking ticklish women!! Pays cash!!** Dear Craigslist Tickler, Are you still
Emails Disneyland Emails II Last week I posted Disneyland Emails []. I had sent emails to a few different places in the massive Disneyland network. The response
Emails Disneyland Emails Did you guys know you can email Disneyland on pretty much any topic and they will respond to you right away? To: Disneyland From: June Snapple Subject: Fairy-tale Wedding Dear
Ironman Ten Weeks Is Not Very Long I looked at the calendar the other day and YOU GUYS. The Ironman is ten weeks away. How did this happen? Remember when I did the half Ironman in May and when it was over you guys were like, "you have PLENTY of
Emails College Admissions Emails Recently I started emailing several college admissions offices as "June Snapple." This one really tried to help a girl out. I used multiple email accounts under different names,
Emails Dear Marsha I know that this month I haven't been the most consistent blogger of all time. My life has been a roller coaster in January and it's been difficult to keep up with a lot of things, including Stranger. And now
Emails Funniest Thanksgiving This might be the new laziest post of all time. I'M TIRED. It's been sort of a rough week around here, to tell you the truth. You know how on TV when the writers get lazy so they just do
Emails Wedding Planner Emails A Stranger (David) emailed me a while back suggesting that I mess with a wedding planner. In the middle of my attempts, another Stranger (Jess) requested the same, directing me
Emails PTA Emails One Stranger, Cheryl, recently asked me to help inflict some pranking revenge against her sister, Tami. Apparently Tami spent the better part of her teen years convincing Cheryl that she
Emails Emails With A Polygamist One Stranger, Sarah, started getting spammed via email by an obnoxious man looking for extra wives. A google search of this guy revealed that he has gone to great lengths
Emails Couchsurfer Emails II My good friend and life coach Shea saw a new TMZ article asking readers to help identify a man in a blurry image with Britney Spears on Valentine's
Emails Couchsurfer Emails Before we get started, two quick things. First, the somewhat neglected mommy blog has a tacky craft competition going this week, so please head over there [
Emails Cat Owner Emails I emailed some cat owner advice blogs as "June Snapple" to get advice on a serious problem. Below is the best of the exchanges. Pay attention to the
Church FAQs Good morning, dear strangers. A while back I decided it was time to stick an FAQs section on Stranger. So I'm finally doing that. You can find the tab above. I know. It's like I'm trying to set
Grandma Grandma Georgia Emails Today's edition of the Jolyn files is a very dramatic email chain she started under the Alias "Grandma Georgia" last December. I had received a number
Emails Cat Birthday I mentioned yesterday in the Snuggie Texts anniversary post that Jolyn, my friend who helps me with the blog, has frequently targeted me in some terribly mean pranks. Me. Innocent,
Emails Relationship Advice Emails One stranger, Lauren, suggested that I email a relationship expert and seek some advice. I found one young guy with a blog in which he states that he is an
Emails Turkey Emails Daniel had an idea for a Thanksgiving email prank. I shot off a bunch of emails to different cooking blogs and had a couple respond. The following turned out to
Emails Hair Salon Emails One stranger, Emma, referred me to a website of a pretentious hair salon in a big city. The website had a contact email for questions and explained that it would
Emails Massage Emails A few months ago a stranger, Jared, sent me an ad posted online by a guy we'll call "Paul" looking for an "intimate" massage
Emails Book Club Emails One stranger, Margret M., sent me an email a few months ago about a book club with very strict bylaws and suggested that I email the group. After doing a
Emails Storage Unit Emails Because of the upcoming big move to Palau, I have been in the market for a storage unit for all of my precious things. On Sunday, my hysterical sister Krishelle
Emails Emails With Amy A few months ago a friend was trying to sell his housing contract on Craigslist. He got an email from a woman named Amy who had 10 questions for him.