You guys. Paul Simon. I'm going to be like this close to him this weekend. I got negative eleventy row tickets to see him for his supposedly-farewell-tour-but-obviously-he-could-never-retire-from-me. He probably already knows I'm coming and that I love him and that I would give my life for him even if it wasn't really necessary, but I also feel like if any of you are friends with Paul Simon, maybe you could do this Stranger a solid and get me some VIP backstage passes? Also, if you have this connection I might murder you and wear your skin. AND I MEAN THAT ONLY IN A NORMAL WAY.
And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
In Natchez
Jackson Mississippi
Duncan punkin got a new collar.
They like me because my phone is filled with pictures of dogs.
I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to this.
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing: