Bob and Cathie WHAT IF PAUL SIMON, Oakland Paul Freaking Simon and I made eye contact on Friday night. I'm not kidding you about this. Skylar went to the concert with me even though he was
Pictures from my phone Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions You guys. Paul Simon. I'm going to be like this close to him this weekend. I got negative eleventy row tickets to see him for his supposedly-farewell-tour-but-obviously-he-could-never-retire-from-me. He
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Earlier this week Paul Simon posted on Instagram that he was retiring, which was a huge shock because he didn't even attempt to consult with me about this
Jolyn Episode 10: The World of Hard Conversations It's an ultra packed episode this week in Strangerville, in large part because of all of the happenings in America over the last week. We invite you to
Paul Simon Paul Simon You guys. The greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of happenings in the history of the entire United States of God bless Earth in order to form a more perfect union may the odds ever be in your favor with liberty
Ridiculous THIS IS WHY WHAT IF PAUL SIMON! Yesterday "Gretchen in PA," that being of wonder and light, commented on Stranger that Paul Simon announced that he would be doing a concert in Salt Lake City
Ridiculous Because Sleeping. Last night I got an email just as I was about to get ready for bed from someone at the office asking me to do some relatively time-consuming work by 9:30 AM the next morning. This meant that I basically had 12 hours
Law A Young Lawyer I rolled into my house sometime late in the evening last night to get some rest. As usual, it took me three or four times longer than I anticipated to get ready for bed. No matter how tired I am and no matter how
Ollie SNL 40th On Sunday night I watched all eleventy million hours of SNL's 40th anniversary celebration. I'm not an SNL fanatic. I probably catch about 5% of each season. I find most of the sketches two times longer than they should be
Annie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I'm so nervous. 24 hours from now the Niece Who Hates Me is coming to my house for a sleepover. I'm going to spend the entire
Ridiculous How to Survive 48 Hours Camping in Civilization Last week I went to the hospital for one of my heart tests. I wanted the ambulance to come pick me up and take me there because, I'm
Ridiculous BYU Crushes So one Stranger, Cambry, just sent me a screen clipping of the below thing, informing me that I'm on some Facebook Page called "BYU Crushes [https://www.
Ridiculous Because WHAT IF PAUL SIMON!? So yesterday was a national day of mourning because YOU GUYS!!! PAUL SIMON!!! Don't worry. He didn't die (for those of you who don't