A while ago Tami did a Q&A on the Stranger Facebook page (for those unfamiliar because you haven't yet caught up on a decade's worth of ramblings and misspellings on this site, Tami is my big toe on my right foot. She was born when the toenail fell off on Pioneer Day in 2014 and now everyone who reads this site LOVES her and begs me to post graphic pictures of her).
Anyway, I helped Tami respond to your questions and thought I'd share them here:
Q: Who are you Tami? (Yolanda Happy-Goil Newell)
A: She said "I'm the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and the first thing you think about when you step out of bed in the morning. Also, I work in HR."
Q: Who's your stylist? (Jesslyn Ann Poulson)
A: She said "The Illuminati."
Q: With the quarantine, how are Tami and the Queen of Colors getting along? (Jen Rushforth)
A: Tami is a vegetarian so the Q of C doesn't feel threatened by her. Plus since Tami works in HR the Q of C is terrified of crossing her.
Q: Tami, how good is Eli's borsch really? (Katie W.)
A: She said "I'm not sure how the final product turned out. I was only allowed to stir it occasionally before it was ready to eat."
Q: Tami, toilet paper roll over or under? (Christina Freerksen Refsland)
A: Tami uses a bidet.
Q: Could Tami do a recreation of Snuggie Texts volume 1? From her perspective, of course. (Bre Starken)
A: Only if they bring back T9 texting. Tami said she's much better when you only need one finger to type.
Q: What's Tami's favorite type of running shoes? (Jessica Little Castleberry)
A: Tami was born inside New Balance so she considers those to be her mother.
Q: Tami, as lovely as you are, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? (Carrissa Ann Schauer)
A: Tami said she don't need no toe to be fulfilled as a digit.
Q: Is it true that Tami is responsible for the entire COVID pandemic, and how has she managed to so effectively hide her involvement so far? (Tonya Juarez)
A: Tami says she's not willing to foot the bill when it comes to credit for COVID.
Q: Do Tami and Skylar get along? (Katie Rose)
A: Skylar has never taken a liking to Tami and has actually required me to go to doctors because of her. Tami and I think he's just toe-tally jealous of her.
Q: If we made a move about Tami's life, who would she want to portray the most important, riveting, magnificent role ever created . . . the role of Tami. (Abigail Lee Smith)
A: Thing from the Addams Family, although she does understand that would be a very different role for him.
Q: Will June Snapple run again in 2020? (Kelsey Richardson)
A: Tami and June Snapple haven't spoken since June Snapple threw a margarita at her on karaoke night during a 2017 bachelorette party for Grace Telly at the Westerner.
Q: How is Tami practicing social distancing while on your long runs? Is she worried her shoemates will give her COVID? (Amanda Kirk)
A: Tami is pretty convinced if any diseases are passed between herself and her neighbors, she'll be doing the passing.
Q: I'd like to see what kind of COVID mask Tami is wearing. (Nicole Kragt)
Q: Tami, do you prefer shoes or sandles? (Brice A Laris)
A: Cast.
Q: What does a spa day for Tami look like? (Mags Dossey)
A: It mostly just consists of a pedicure.
Q: Why are you the way that you are? (Natalie Hepworth)
A: Tami said she was literally born of trauma and, considering what she is, she's gotten fed up over the years of being walked all over so maybe give her a break.
Q: Tami, how do you keep your hair so beautiful? (Cheryl Daines Brown)
A: She said she uses a fungus she got from her next-door neighbor.
If you have any other questions you'd like to ask, please do so in the comments. Tami is entertaining a few more at this time.
~It Just Gets Stranger