Happy February's end, Strangers. We have had a very odd February in Salt Lake City. For several weeks it has been sunny and warm. I'm talking t-shirt weather. I noticed just yesterday that tulips have started busting through the ground. Typically February in SLC is miserable. I think I really need to go watch that documentary about the Polar Bears because right now I feel like there is no downside to climate change.
And now, your pictures and distractions:
Daniel and Emily
Daniel and Anna. A karaoke DISASTER.
Daniel was trying to document all of the times in Mexico he found me wearing his clothes. Here, I'm wearing his shoes. Also, the moment we got to his place in Arizona, I started going through his stuff and packing my own bag with his clothing.
We stopped by Salvation Mountain (near my grandma's house) on our way back to Phoenix.
*****Stranger Picture of the Week
Thanks, Melissa.
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing: