Did you guys hear that this weekend is The United States of God Bless America's birthday? Party hard, Strangers. Tami and I will be barbecuing if anyone wants to come over. She's in charge of the potato salad this year.
Also, my baby sister is emitting human life from her womb as we speak. Cathie keeps texting me things like "GET YOUR FANNY TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW AND SUPPORT YOUR SISTER AS SHE EXPERIENCES THE MIRACLE OF LIFE!" But I had to watch that movie in tenth grade health class so I'm shuffling papers in my office and pretending to be really busy until I get the "all clear" from Krishelle that the bad scifi scene is over. Then I will swoop in and steal that baby because it's my turn.
And now, your Pictures and Distractions:
With Mr. Pants on Father's Day |
High above Salt Lake City |
Where the laws are made, Salt Lake City |
A surprise visit from a blast from the past--Ms. Paula. |
Finally dejunking my basement and I discovered evidence of the three darkest years of my unathletic life. |
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:
Catcon. Thanks, Sandy.
The chicken swing. Thanks, Chris.
31 parents share the funniest thing their kid has ever done. Thanks, Cara.
How to subtly cover your house in cat stuff. Thanks, Whitney.
20 embarrassing phrases even smart people misuse. Thanks, Brian.
Cats in kimonos. Thanks, Krishelle.
Beach onsies. Thanks, Tyler.
Little girl channels Aretha Franklin. Thanks, Krishelle.
Please follow us on the Facebooks and the Instagrams.
If you would like to have something included on Pictures and Distractions, please email me at itjustgetsstranger@gmail.com.
~It Just Gets Stranger