Louie Vegas With Puppies Over the years I've had friends tell me that once you start having kids, everything takes ten times longer. No outing is uncomplicated. No activity can ever truly
Matt Upgrade Matt got married this weekend. We were disappointed with this because we had fully planned to have him live in our basement one day and be "oh that'
Ollie A Reunion I texted Matt to let him know we were in St. George, which is about two hours from Las Vegas, where he rudely moved earlier this year, taking my sweet
Skylar A Horrific Birthday Surprise That Was Fine I told you a while ago that my dragon slayer started torturing me around February with birthday threats. Skylar's track record on birthday surprises: they are the most
Ollie We Are Very Angry With Matt Matt has decided to move away from us, which is absolutely a hate crime and an act of terror. He sprung the news on us a few months ago. "
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions We are so very overdue for a Pictures & Distractions post and I have some fun stuff to share with you. So here it is. [https://1.bp.blogspot.com/
Ollie Indogpendence Day Yesterday was Independence Day (happy birthday, America. Sorry your party sucked.) Normally we throw a Fourth of July party where all of our friends come over and lick their hands
Ollie The Thing About 2020 I have two friends who tested positive for the Rona recently. I won't say their names here because of HIPPO or whatever. I don't know. I
Ollie What are you watching? We're all binging TV shows and movies right now and that's ok. If there is anyone in your life telling you that is not ok, you
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions All y'all, Strangerville Live is NEXT WEEK. It's in Salt Lake City on Friday, March 6 at 8:00 PM. There will be snacks. We are
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Two days ago I got on a flight and I was seated next to a middle aged man who AND I'M NOT JUDGING seemed a little cranky. I&
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Hi I just took Duncan outside and he didn't want to walk in the snow so he just stood on the patio for five minutes so I walked
Ollie Our Snowy Graveyard Last week we went to Vancouver Washington for Thanksgiving. Skylar grew up there and all of his family still lives in Vancouver or across the river in Portland so the
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Apparently Bozo the Clown died. Matt just told me and then scolded me for asking who that is. Which reminds me, I called Skylar "the ol' battleaxe"
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I haven't done Pictures & Distractions since before the war so here you go. I know you've been praying for this. You know mamma doesn'
Ollie Homohood of the Traveling T-Shirt I got in trouble tonight. We went to Matt's house to pick up Duncan because he and Ollie have been on a 7-day back-and-forth sleepover date. We pass
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions What a week. Duncan is sitting here on the couch with me. We are watching tv. Sort of. He's more focused on a bone and I'm
Ollie Horses On Saturday we decided to take Ollie and Duncan for a hike. We drove to the Uintas an hour and a half from Salt Lake City and found an 8-mile
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I'm getting yelled at right now because I just admitted to Skylar that the reason Duncan got up in the middle of the night last night and wanted
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions It's about 24 hours before our show. I told Meg and Jolyn I don't know what to wear so they've been having me text
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions You guys--people are mad right now and I can't hold them off any longer. All of a sudden in the last couple of weeks I've had
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions It's been raining in Salt Lake for eleventy days and #We'reThankfulForTheMoisture but the problem is I now have a mushroom garden in my entire lawn and
Ironman Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I came home and found that my rhubarb plant, which I'm convinced could survive a nuclear blast on Venus during Coachella, has basically filled my backyard. So I
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions We're babysitting Mr. Ollie Pants this week because Matt is in "Miss'ippi." What this means is I've got a very judgmental dog
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Too busy to writeBut here you go anywayPics and Distractions [https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UJg5HRN8lqM/XK9gU4w57HI/AAAAAAAAoJE/jNA1gcvhmgYgofIv5kgLJwHXmdG98R9pwCLcBGAs/s1600/IMG_4018.JPEG] Album cover. Simon and Barkunkel. [https://1.