Duncan is sitting here on the couch with me. We are watching tv. Sort of. He's more focused on a bone and I'm more focused on this. Skylar is still at school. It's 9:00 and he keeps facetiming me to tell me he's bored. We are getting married in two weeks, if he can find a few minutes to attend his own wedding amid his stress. I can't tell you how strange it is for me to be thinking in school terms again. I'm rambling.
Some Pictures & Distractions:
Planted my new pots.
A little Sunday run in Millcreek Canyon.
Stranger Lori made a very important GIF for us.
Canning seasonnnnnnn
Mr. Pants immediately fell asleep in the car after our 7-mile hike.
Duncan sat on Ollie Pants so he could get a better look out the window and then my heart exploded.
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:
The last two weeks we have discussed Steel Magnolias and Matilda on Hive Mind.