This has been one of the strangest weeks in Stranger history. And I'm including (you know what's coming) the time that all of the angry moms on the Internet screamed at me in one unified terrifying voice FOR JUST TRYING TO HELP.
As you know, I made a joke about how we are probably all related because hashtag my big fat Mormon family. Then swingwise made that group on and over the next day or so hundreds of you joined the group and obsessively started engaging in family history work. (Is "hundreds" an exaggeration? Swingwise? Do we know how many people are in the group? Lee gets mad when I exaggerate and sometimes it's scary. Because I think he's a dad.) Anyway, I never imagined that Stranger would become a family history blog. But I guess I also never imagined that I would be able to assault tens of thousands of people with pictures of my toe's photoshopped hair. Hashtag blessed.
Also, Jolyn was just at my house and she answered my phone when a telemarketer was calling and I overheard her tell the person that "no, Ellie McCain is not available right now but he will be at exactly 6:00 AM tomorrow." So that was nice.
And now, your Pictures and Distractions:
Sonita and I danced the night away until way past our bedtimes (11:00). |
Grandma, great grandma, clubbing enthusiast, unintentional motivator of family history work, California's best 85-year-old. |
Mr. Pants getting ready to watch Survivor! |
The adventures of Bob and Cathie. |
We found this sign in a cabin on our family reunion. Can someone please help my confused siblings and I understand what the hell this is supposed to mean? We could not agree. It nearly tore our family apart. RIGHT BEFORE I FOUND ALL OF MY TENTH COUSINS. |
I found this piece at a consignment store near my house (shout out The Old Flamingo!). It's the newest addition to my music room. |
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:
My write-up for this week's Survivor episode.
In case you didn't see it, a chart that explains what the hell a fourth cousin once removed is. Thanks, Melissa.
The Count Censored (warning: awkwardly suggestive, but oh my gosh). Thanks, Ashley.
Woman fulfills lifelong dream of being blind. Thanks, Krishelle.
Who said it? Donald Trump or Lucille Bluth. Thanks, Krishelle.
A new app that lets you leave Yelp-like reviews about people. Thanks, Josh.
Cool 3D trick art--bullet hole in hand. Thanks, Tyler.
The 25 most brutal prisons in the world. Thanks, Jordan.
And for the Friday Night Lights fans. Thanks, Krishelle.
Please follow us on the Facebooks and the Instagrams.
If you would like to have something included on Pictures and Distractions, please email me at
~It Just Gets Stranger