Tonight I was at a concert with my family. Part-way through Cathie asked if I wanted any gum. Then she opened her purse and it was filled almost to capacity with Trident. The only other thing I saw in there were two lemons.

Keep us guessing, Cathie. Keep us guessing.

And now, your Pictures and Distractions:

Mr. Pants was helping me with laundry.

And then we took a nap.

And then we took naps separately. 

And then we tried to eat the Christmas tree but we got caught.

TBT to puppy days!

*****Stranger Picture of the Week

Spotted at Barnes & Noble by Margee.

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions:

My Survivor recap of this week's great finale.

Is Han Solo legally justified in shooting Greedo first? Thanks, Garrett.

A gift idea for a special friend. Thanks, Francie.

A Star Wars tribute. Thanks, Lee.

Jimmy Stewart makes you cry. Thanks, Janel.

Best. Twitter. Account. Ever. Thanks, Janel.

Funniest slow motion baby laugh. Thanks, Brian.

Judy says Lee was involved in this in some way. Thanks, Judy.

Dramatic readings of Yelp reviews. Thanks, Amy-Jane.

Downton Abbey without Lord Grantham. Thanks, Krishelle.

Please follow us on the Facebooks and find me on Instagram at eliwmccann.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger