We are putting the final touches on episode 2 of Strangerville, which will be ready for you early next week. Stay tuned. We are thrilled with how it turned out and I think you're going to love it like Tami loves being naked. Please subscribe to us at the iTunes if you haven't already.

Spoiler alert for episode 2: a five year old tells me I have bad hair in one segment.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:

We looked away and when we looked back Mr. Pants and Mr. Scraps were doing this. And 50 angels got their wings.

Mr. Scraps slept over this week!

And this is my uncle Will's puppy, Pedro. We're best friends. This is now an animal blog. 

From my bike ride.

I found Shabesaur's cousin on my bike ride. 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

My recap of the most disturbing and dramatic episode of Survivor in the show's history.

Anyone need a yoga mat? Thanks, Nancy.

I'm sorry about this. Thanks, Melissa.

Walt Disney's secret apartment. Thanks, Jackson.

Fried chicken or labradoodle? Thanks, Kylle.

The elephants that came for dinner. Thanks, Jacy.

Boy devastated by surprise circus visit. Thanks, Krishelle.

Fuller House has heart-to-heart with Donald Trump. Thanks, Krishelle.

Guy photoshops his dog into a giant. Thanks, Kim.

Please follow us on Facebook and find me on Instagram at eliwmccann.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures and Distractions, please email me at itjustgetsstranger@gmail.com.

~It Just Gets Stranger