Today Brianne told me that I was being moody again and that maybe I needed to get my hormones checked out so I foolishly started arguing with her and in the process said something that sounded sort of sexist even though I strongly believe in not saying things like that to women. So then I immediately tried to backtrack but it was too late and she told me she was going to file a sexual harassment lawsuit and I told her that I didn't really have time for that right now because I'm dog sitting this week but she said that she didn't care what I have time for so then I gave her a gift card to Subway I found in my office during the move in order to pay her off and told her it had five dollars on it and I offered it as settlement for her sexual harassment claims, which she accepted because apparently she only felt she had been wronged about five-dollars worth BUT THEN she came back ten minutes later and told me she called Subway to verify that the card was actually still valid because apparently she doesn't trust me and Subway told her that the card has FIFTEEN dollars on it so yeah, now I feel like Brianne owes me ten dollars.
And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
The Pantses |
Hannah Rose and I are the kind of people who go to theme parks to walk around the historic section and read the plaques. |
Some fine Sunday reading in the park. |
I tweeted. |
Matt texted me to tell me that someone drew a picture of Mr. Pants. |
I swear to you that Macy chased her tail for five minutes before collapsing on the floor like this. |
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:
Kids explain the Internet. Thanks, Ryan.
The llama pageant. Thanks, Aubree.
The nicest place on the Internet. Thanks, Mike.
What the Bachelorette contestants look like. Thanks, Krishelle.
A little history lesson about Lagoon. Thanks, Krishelle.
How far back in time could you go and still understand English? Thanks, Mark.
The ugliest buildings in the world. Thanks, Mark.
"There's no doubt poo could save lives." Thanks, Sammy.
Please join us on Imzy and find me on the Instagrams at eliwmccann.
If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at
~It Just Gets Stranger