Hello. Let me usher you into the greatest weekend of the year. PIONEER DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!

You guys. This is a magical year because Pioneer Day falls on Sunday so the State of Utah observes it on Monday, WHICH MEANS that Pioneer Day is basically two days this year. Also please don't forget that it's Tami's birthday and she expects to get a call from every one of you. Don't test her on this. She has anger issues.

Happy Pioneer Day(s). I love you.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:

Don't be a cliche, Macy.

My little burrito. 

Mr. Pants throwing a temper tantrum. 

I tweeted.

Just wanted to make sure y'all know what you'll be missing out on on Pioneer Day if you don't live in SLC! 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

Send this to everyone you hate. Thanks, Jo.

I desperately need this. Thanks, Angie.

10 Japanese travel tips for visiting America. Thanks, Krishelle.

I'm so sorry, Mitt Romney.

Dogs wearing people clothes. Thanks, Tom.

Dogs wearing wedding dresses. Thanks, Tom.

The worst things for sale. Thanks, Brian.

Please join us on Imzy and find me on the Instagrams at eliwmccann.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at itjustgetsstranger@gmail.com.

~It Just Gets Stranger