It is with great excitement that we announce our next Strangerville Live show, an event that is already being described by OWN as "probably a safe place to be in the event of a flood or goat stampede."

We are thrilled to announce our September storytellers, so much so that Jolyn and Meg have had to threaten me to "stop talking about it" and "you sound like a crazy person" and "put your pants back on. Seriously. This is a church." We have a brilliantly-hilarious line-up. In addition to appearances by Meg Walter and yours truly, our September 8 show will feature:
Co-creator of Strangerville, two-time Grantsville cartwheeler of the year, allergic to warm water.
Comedian, two-time Grantsville cartwheeling second-placer, able to snap on beat 60% of the time.
High school English teacher, cartwheel enthusiast (although has never engaged competitively), creator of the jungle-gym.
Creator of, New York Times best-selling author, probably going to enter the witness protection program after this is all over so she doesn't have hear from us ever again. Also, two-time Grantsville cartwheeling "also participated" (she asked us not to mention that, though, because sensitive).
A big thanks to Impact Hub for hosting us for our show on September 8. Our doors will open at 7:30 and the show will start promptly at 8:00 (read: "sometime a little after 8:00").
You can reserve your tickets at the link below, and we recommend that you do so right away because, well, obviously. As usual, we have a limited number of seats so get your ticket before we are required by the president of fire departments everywhere to turn you to the streets.

Please also join our Facebook event page to follow our incredibly obnoxious postings about the event. As always, we promise an appropriate amount of nudity. That event page is a great place to annoy your friends with repeated invites.
We hope to see many of you there for this fun show. And we hope you'll do us a favor like you have so wonderfully in the past and tell and bring your friends and your grandma and your high school shop teachers. (Mr. Goulding? You out there?)
~It Just Gets Stranger