Every single December I have the exact same interaction with Brianne. I hand her an envelope with her name on it and tell her that I picked out something really special for her for Christmas. She hurriedly opens it and sees that it's a Nordstrom gift card. Then she pretends to cry, holds it to her chest like she's hugging it, and says "this is the best gift anyone has ever given me." I give her a knowing nod and then walk back to my office.
Five years running now.
And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
I finally put Christmas lights up outside.
I finished my first knitting project! Already sent it off to my friend Natalie.
The pie was actually kind of tasty, although ugly.
Skylar and I made deviled eggs.
Still trying to hold onto fall at my house.
I found this ornament at Matt's house (he made it in the early 80s. When I showed it to him he said "not my best work."). I hid it on his tree.
Duncan, right after I picked him up from his haircut.
The groomer said he was an angel.
*****Stranger Picture of the Week
Spotted by Kelli in a store. Beware.
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing: