Yesterday I got the following email from my very dramatic 9-year-old niece Kaylee, the oldest daughter of my sister, Krisanda:
Dear Eli,
This is Kaylee. We put our for sale sign up and I don't know how to feel. It is pretty scary but I am trying my hardest to go along with it but it seems really hard. Who knows what will become of my life. Well I have to go but please respond and help me out and tell me how you feel about it.
My sister and brother-in-law are moving themselves and their 4 adorable children basically down the street to a larger home. This will affect the lives of the kids in almost no way. I forwarded the message on to Daniel and asked for his help to respond to it. Together we came up with the following options.
Dear Kaylee,
OH NO!!! Everything is going to change for the worst and nobody is ever going to be happy ever again! Please email me back and tell me how you feel about this. HURRY!
This move is just step one in the process of your whole family falling apart. Please don't contact me again.
I'm sorry . . . but who is this?
Do your parents know you're aware of this!? I was under the impression they were just going to move and leave you there. How did you find out?
Your mom told me that one of the rooms in your new house is just going to be full of princess dresses. She promised this. Tell your sisters.
I hear you're moving to the rough part of town. Do you know how to use an automatic weapon?
There has been a huge misunderstanding! Your FAMILY isn't moving. YOU are. They are going to stay in the same great house! Hope that clears things up! Love you!
There are only three things you need to know in life.
1. Math.
2. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.
3. God takes care of the rest.
[Note: Daniel wrote this one out himself. It was sort of depressing to read.]
Geez Kaylee. How about some perspective? You don't even know what a problem is. I have no idea whether I'm going to have a job in three months, or if I'll have to move in with my parents, or if I can maintain a relationship with anyone for more than a few minutes, or if I can freaking finish an Ironman race. How about you answer those questions and then I'll get back to you about your problem which is actually a PRETTY DAMN GREAT situation for you since you'll probably get a nicer room and not be living in the basement without windows anymore!
Ultimately I sent her this:
I was 7 years old when we moved to the house that Grandma and Grandpa live in now. I was a little scared too because I knew I was going to miss my friends and because the unknown can feel a little scary sometimes. But it ended up being a really good thing. I'm sure you will be just fine. A girl as smart and sweet and kind as you can figure out how to be happy no matter where you are as long as you keep trying. Plus, no matter where you go, your family and friends love you and that's what matters most.
I went with a message of comfort, a variation of which I have had to share with myself many times, even recently. What can I say? I'm gaining self-control in my old age.
~It Just Gets Stranger
Emailing Kaylee

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