Happy weekend, Strangers. I just got back from an overnight adventure on a beautiful island nearby called "Carp Island." It was wonderful, except for the parts that sort of felt like camping. I'll probably tell you a little about it next week. But for now, I'll just leave you with some pictures of it and this week's set of distractions. Because I'm tired and cranky at the moment and probably don't have the stamina to write much more than this.

From the beach at sunset.

With Daniel in the jungle.

Krishelle kicking it in the jungle.

These horrifying crab things come out when you hold them to your lips and make a low sound. 

Daniel found much needed coconuts after we had been lost for almost 4 hours. We used this slab to break them open so we could get a drink.

The beach had TONS of these swings. And I tried ALL of them.

With Krishelle. We brought a bunch of stuff to barbecue on the beach. It was not tasty.

And for unknown reasons, the sink fell off the wall in our room.

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

So the whole "let's get chickens" thing isn't working out? I could have told you that. Thanks, Ashley.

Sharknado. It's a real thing, guys.  Thanks Emily.

Awesome sunburn patterns. Thanks, Julie.

Featherless chicken. WHAT THE CRAP!?!? Thanks, Shannon.

Facebook political debate. Thanks, Nathan.

Man's idea for tweet just pops into his head. Thanks, Daniel.

~It Just Gets Stranger