Over the weekend a few of my closest friends and I headed south to Moab, Utah, to explore Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. These places are quickly becoming a couple of my favorite spots on God's green brownish-redish Earth.
This was the first time I've gone down there without Daniel, who doesn't live close enough right now to join the weekend getaways. Coincidentally, this was also the first time I've gone to Moab without having someone meow songs into our ears for the entire three-hour drive.
Below, pictures courtesy of Maggie Liveri.
Unintentional modeling with Anna and Kurt in front of Delicate Arch.
With Anna Swayne. The one and only.
Midnight-hiking Delicate Arch.
Maggie overlooking Canyonlands mere moments before she fell to her death. Fortunately we had her camera.
Apparently this was too "dangerous" and I was kept on a pretty short leash for the rest of the day.
Anna Swayne: supermodel, business-woman, never returns texts or phone calls.
~It Just Gets Stranger
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