Bob and Cathie showed up at my house tonight for another landscaping consultation. You guys. Everyone in this world needs a Bob and Cathie.
No. I'm taking this a step further. Everyone in this world needs the Bob and Cathie. Not just for the entertainment. Not just for the incredible (and usually outdated) family gossip. But because those people somehow seem to know how to do everything. Maybe it's a parent thing. Maybe it's a generation thing. I don't know. But in case these omnipotent skills are specific to Bob and Cathie, I hereby loan my parents out to the world. There will be a sign-up list on my door. You can rent them in hour-long increments. Don't forget to laugh at all of their jokes if you really want to hit it off.
And now, your Pictures and Distractions.
The world's cutest grandma and leading expert on Queen Noor. Thanks, Cathie, for the photo. |
Texts with Cathie. |
My friend Jake is an incredible musician as it turns out. |
The trees have been delivered. And now I'm terrified of killing them. |
It's blurry, but I found this picture in a box in my basement. Whitewater rafting with my friends when we were probably 14 years old. That's me on the front right. |
*****Stranger Picture of the Week
The Q of C spotted in Vienna. Thanks, Sarah. Sorry your trip was ruined. |
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:
Cats on glass. Thanks, Alison.
Dogs reacting to lemons. Thanks, Molly.
Honest hotel reviews. Thanks, Natalie.
Well it looks like Snuggie LIED to us! Thanks, Amy.
Life-changing style charts for men. Thanks, Amy.
Most outlandish passenger requests to flight attendants. Thanks, Craig.
Who's going to take care of mom? Thanks, Brian.
Tom Hanks recreates all of his movies. Thanks, Tyler.
Utah the underrated. Thanks, Krishelle.
Hilarious vandals. Thanks, Krishelle.
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~It Just Gets Stranger