Yesterday I came home from work and there was enough wedding picnic crap in my house to host all of the wedding picnics Rebecca will ever have in her entire life. Skylar and Matt apparently spent the better part of an afternoon shopping for and creating decorations to fill all of the parks of Utah for this thing. I surveyed the damage, shook my head, and wondered, for the 1,000th time this week alone, how I gathered the people I have gathered into my life.
And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
My baby.
Cathie came over and taught me how to make pickles. If someone doesn't give this woman her own cooking show, the invention of television will have been a waste.
Matt and I found this cool box at our favorite consignment shop.
Admiring the changing colors with Paul Cyclemon.
Mr. Pants!
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing: