You guys! Look! I Pictured and Distracted! I almost forgot how to do this! The last time we had one of these posts they hadn't even invented electricity yet.
But in even more important news, I have our Snuggie winners. Thank you so much to all of you who shared your kind words about Stranger and your fun memories of this community over the last week. I will cherish the comments section of the ten-year anniversary post for many years to come.
And now dddddrrdrerdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr (that's supposed to be a drum roll. I don't know how to type it out) our winners of their very own Snuggies and a lifetime supply of meatballs (I'm kidding about the meatballs. Don't try to cash in on that. I only have enough meatballs to supply you for like 12 years) are dddddrerdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdxddrrdrdrdrjkdrjdrdrdrdrkittydrdrddrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrd
Jayne, Jake, and Gretchen Congrats! So all you guys need to do is go to the store and buy a Snuggie. I'M KIDDING CALM DOWN THIS ISN'T A SCAM. Jayne, Jake, and Gretchen, please shoot me an email and tell me where I can send your Snuggie. I may also slip in some dirty laundry for you to wash and send back. I haven't done it in like 5 years. And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
Not pictured: a third dog vomiting in the back seat.
Up near Snowbird
Hannah Rose and I bottled peaches (thanks Cathie and Krishelle for the instruction)
This year's Craft Lake City Island Hopper crew.
Renley got a haircut!
*****Stranger Pictures of the Week
From Michelle, whose husband recently received a wrong-number text.