Skylar Civic Duties "I'm the new Erin Brockovich." Skylar whispered that to me just now. He's sitting across from me at a tea shop near our house
Emily Photos of People Having an Authentic Time at my Wedding I'm going to give you a bunch of details about the wedding with some actual wedding photos, etc. in the coming days. But for now, I want to
Emma Delicate Arch Check out our latest Strangerville episode above (or at the bottom of this post)! I've been working a million hours the last couple of months and it has
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions You guys! Look! I Pictured and Distracted! I almost forgot how to do this! The last time we had one of these posts they hadn't even invented electricity
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I told some people at work today that I had a court hearing this morning at 9:00, which was true, but what I forgot to mention was that I
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions How's my night going? Well after a very long day I was in the drive-through at Wendy's at 11:15 PM and I ran my car
Emma Pioneer Day Miracle We gathered aboard the raft, the five of us, unaware of the trauma that awaited us. Bats flew overhead, and the sounds of water churning on the cliffs of rocks
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions The other day I wrote about how I'm basically Oprah now [] because I was on the news. I shared the
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions [Please come to The Porch this Saturday night in SLC. Jolyn promises to give a 25-second hug to anyone who wants one. Find info here [
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I got a haircut today NOT THAT I EVER NEED A HAIRCUT BECAUSE MY HAIR NATURALLY GROWS TO THE PERFECT LENGTH AND THEN STOPS. Anyway, I walked the four blocks
Ironman Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Now that Ironman training is really, truly over for the first time in several years, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself anymore. I mean, there&
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Last weekend I went on a much needed road trip to Jackson Wyoming with my home girls Anna and Emma. We also stopped in the-middle-of-nowhere-Idaho on the way to Jackson
Emma Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Happy Friday, one and all. Tonight I saw Rebecca and her sister hauling her bed out of my home. Now it's quiet. TOO quiet. I have a feeling
Emma THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE YOUR NEIGHBORS ALONE! My next door neighbor is somewhere around 275 years old. She has a sign on her door that says "knock loudly." This sign is also accompanied by a picture of the Nativity. Note: it is August. I'm pleased that she&
Emma Craft Lake City A few years ago I happened to become friends with several different people who all run catering businesses on the side of whatever it is they do for their day
Emma Life is Really Something Funny Occasionally I glance back through older posts on Stranger. Usually I keep this walk through memory lane to the Palau posts, because I find them fascinating now that I'