I got a haircut today NOT THAT I EVER NEED A HAIRCUT BECAUSE MY HAIR NATURALLY GROWS TO THE PERFECT LENGTH AND THEN STOPS. Anyway, I walked the four blocks from my office in the middle of the afternoon to Ashley at Array Salon (shout out!) and it was eleventy thousand degrees so by the time I got there my whole back looked like I had just gone down a water slide at a disease-ridden water park.
Well, they make you lay down at this place I go to so they can wash your hair before they cut it, which is good because if they didn't my hair would literally never get washed. But today it was mortifying because when I got up from the bench, there was a big sweaty wet mark where my back had been and homegirl had to clean it off.
You guys. I'm trash. And I'm running out of places I can still go to.
And now, your Pictures and Distractions:
Matt's birthday party. |
Someone on Instagram thought this looked like meatloaf. It is homemade German chocolate cake. Thankyouverymuch. |
Setting up our Craft Lake City empanada and otai stand. |
Mr. Pants graduated from puppy kindergarten! He can shake now! (Photo shamelessly stolen from Matt) |
My 85-year-old grandma knows how to address me in email. |
Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:
WHAT DID I JUST WATCH?!?! Thanks, Gaby.
Cuddling with strangers. Thanks, Krishelle.
40 funny photos. Thanks, Krishelle.
Hysterically and tragically terrible Russian propaganda. Thanks, Craig.
For Devil in the White City fans. Thanks, Matt.
100 places to visit before you die. Thanks, Jake.
Hilariously wrong Harry Potter subtitles. Thanks, Jackie.
11 ways to start a conversation with anyone. Thanks, Paula.
Badass eagle takes out drone. Thanks, Tyler.
11 beautiful small tows from around the world. Thanks, Christian.
Please follow us on the Facebooks and the Instagrams.
If you would like to have something included on Pictures and Distractions, please email me at itjustgetsstranger@gmail.com.
~It Just Gets Stranger