Meg went out of town but before she did she asked me if I would watch the premiere of The Bachelor next week and recap it on TV & Jelly. You guys. I, Eli Whistletown McCann, have never watched one second of The Bachelor. I feel like I'm going to need therapy after Monday. The only thing I know about the show is what I've read from Meg's recaps. And those aren't exactly informative. Are there rules? Do they follow the rules? Meg tried to send me a few links to some sites that apparently explain what the hell but I told her if she assaults me with any more Bachelor material, I will block her on Facebook.

Also, it's my birthday. So tell me you love me or I'll send you Tami in a box. I have all of your addresses.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:

Teddy is really stealing the show here. 

Mr. Doodle playing with his cousin, Macy. 

*****Stranger Picture of the Week

Thanks, Cara

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

My recap of Survivor this week.

Some sad news about Palau.

Side-by-side photos of people over 100 compared with their younger selves. Thanks, Stephanie.

Animals that look like they're about to drop an album. Thanks, Michelle.

An awesome ice-skating routine. Thanks, Sarah.

Some news about Leotrix. Thanks, Angela.

I don't even know. Thanks, Haley.

A very important petition. Thanks, Hannah.

Animals with fabulous hair. Thanks, Daniel.

Catspiracy. Thanks, Lexie.

Please follow us on the Facebooks and find me on Insta at eliwmccann.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger