Skylar This New Step of Covid When The Great Covid began earlier this year I was one of those people who was constantly telling you that actually we really had a lot to learn from this
Gay 10 Tips For How To Respond to Someone Who Is Coming Out Coming out of the closet never ends for a gay person. You have to do it all the time. Constantly. For the rest of your life. Every time you make new friends. Get a new job. Talk to people at a party. I start
Ridiculous It's A Classic! When I was in high school I read nearly zero books and I've been feeling guilty about this for mumble mumble cough years. So guilty that if I
Daniel Hard Conversations For the last couple of years I've been silently obsessing over something about which I have been unable to come to a conclusion. I don't love
Brianne How Do You Overcome Anxiety? [] Oh, to be Mr. Pants.The other day I told you about my anxiety attack in the middle
Kyle Survivor Party I host a Survivor party every week where I invite some known Survivor fans over to my house to watch the most recent episode and then spend the next two hours gossiping about it like we personally know every single person in the show.
Relationships How to Move On I could use the collective wisdom of the Strangers today. Because I am turning into a crazy person. And I don't want to turn into a crazy person BECAUSE WHAT IF PAUL SIMON?! As I may have embarrassingly announced a few days
Ridiculous Whelp, TIME TO MOVE AGAIN! I woke up this morning at 5:00. Started singing at the top of my lungs. Dance-walked to the shower. Sang at the top of my lungs there, too. The
Bob and Cathie Twice Up the Barrel Asian Tour As the time in Palau winds down more and more, I'm finding that things are just sort of falling into place. There's still much to do. Every time I remember that I somehow need to find a place to live
Church Youth Conference This coming Saturday is the dreaded "Youth Conference" with the church kids that we've been planning for a few months. And when I say "planning for a few months," I mean "knowing that it's coming
Ridiculous Book Writing Update I may have mentioned at some point here that I'm not exactly "in the know" on what the kids are calling "technology." Pretty much every medium of social media scares and confuses me. And what's worse,
Nostalgia Graduation Nuggets of Wisdom Graduation is happening across Palau right now. I got an invitation to a graduation for this coming Sunday, which I'm excited to go to because when they call the names I like to wait until the people sitting next to me cheer
Palau Trust The other day I was running home from work: my ongoing attempt to combat adult onset diabetes. In my first four or five months in Palau I gained 25 pounds. And not the good kind of 25 pounds, whatever that is. I did the
Nostalgia Cure for Anxiety? I'm sitting in my office right now, full all the way to the top with anxiety. Eleventy million things to get done at work before the Twice Up the Barrel tour to the U.S., which starts in about two days. Also
FYI The End of the World In case you hadn't heard yet, the world is ending on May 21st (this coming Saturday). See These people mean business. When I tried to order a bumper sticker from them this afternoon, I was told that it'
Law Insomnia I've had sleeping problems for several years. Surprisingly law school has seemed to make it worse. Fortunately I have found that if I block out every bit of light, sound, and memories, and choose a night when I'm already really