Emily Photos of People Having an Authentic Time at my Wedding I'm going to give you a bunch of details about the wedding with some actual wedding photos, etc. in the coming days. But for now, I want to
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions So I'm on a layover in the Phoenix airport right now and I have a bag of Swedish Fish, because candy. And there's this guy/kid
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Today is Cathie's birthday. Since she was born, we have landed on the moon, the Soviet Union fell, and cookie butter was invented. Coincidence? I think not. Happy
House Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Last night I was talking about Fabio, as we all do a few times a week, and I asked my friend Skylar, Eli: How old do you think Fabio is?
Ironman Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. Young Wade and I shall set sail for Boulder, dark and far too early Friday morning. Years of anticipation and preparation,
Wade Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Matthew Pants went to his home state of Mississippi (or, as he calls it, "Miss'ippi&
Rebecca Blog Comments More often than you might expect I get emails from blog readers who are curious about how I feel about the comments on Stranger. My friends and family are constantly asking me about this, too. "Don't you think it's
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Alas, we have made it to the end of the week. Somehow. And somehow, again, I just rolled into my office at 11:00 PM for a full night of
Palau A Big Day for Hannah Rose I met Hannah Rose three years ago. We both ran in the same 5k and took first and second place. (This was not a very competitive race, but we usually
Ridiculous Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Dear Salt Lake Crowd, please don't forget to join us at The Porch on Saturday night at 9:00 [http://www.utahporch.org/events/14080601/do-over-slc]. The only
Ironman Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions So the other day I wrote about how I decided to sign up for Ironman Boulder. And in that post I explained that trying to prepare for and get to
Bob and Cathie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Eli: Are you guys watching Survivor? Cathie: Is that the one where they are all naked? Eli: Uh . . . Cathie: Oh. I'm thinking of Naked and Afraid. Disgusting! But
Pictures from my phone Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Oh. My. Gosh. Next week at this time I will be driving to Ironman Tahoe. YOU GUYS!!! WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!? One minute I'm doing an interpretive
Ridiculous BREAKING NEWS!!! Look. I know. This is supposed to be a Pictures and Distractions post. I know the rules, you guys. Can everyone please stop yelling? I can't do a
Corey Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions So the other day I wrote that post [https://www.itjustgetsstranger.com/2014/08/sweatblock-is-like-father-to-me.html] about how SweatBlock has completely changed my life since parents have stopped pulling their
Ridiculous Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions I got four voicemails within five minutes from Rebecca the other day. Each said roughly the same thing: "HELP! EMERGENCY! WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING! I'M
Ridiculous Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Happy weekend. I had a bit of a panic attack this afternoon. I was sitting in my office when suddenly I noticed a brown paper bag on my windowsill. I