Ridiculous The Lost Journal Series Part XIV I just realized it's been a few years since I gave you a Lost Journal Series entry. I last left off in 1995. It's frankly getting
Ollie Horses On Saturday we decided to take Ollie and Duncan for a hike. We drove to the Uintas an hour and a half from Salt Lake City and found an 8-mile
Ridiculous Confessions (Woot. Strangerville Live is next week. Get your tickets [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/strangerville-live-tickets-55260600945] if you haven't already. Support Jolyn. She supports you.) When I was 14,
EMBARRASSING Cringe A few years ago I was talking to my childhood best friend Sam's dad because he had stopped by Bob and Cathie's house for some reason.
Ridiculous The Perils of Sitting in the Exit Row Last month I was in Chicago. I told you about that already because I don't believe in keeping secrets from you. The weekend ended after several days of shenanigans with my childhood best friend Sam (shenanigans=gossiping about everything every person we
Ridiculous Romeo & Juliet When I was in the sixth grade we had to put on a Shakespeare play. Our class was assigned to do Romeo and Juliet and I wanted to be Romeo
The Perfects The Neighbor's Tree One quick word on Strangerville Live: I did what the kids are calling "the social medias" and made an actual Facebook event page [https://www.facebook.com/events/
Ridiculous Beethoven So I'm sitting on the couch at Matt's house editing Meg's hilarious Bachelor recap [http://www.tvjelly.com/2017/03/01/the-bachelor-s-21-wk-9-i-guess/] and Matt
The Perfects A Friendly Reminder to Make Some Spare Keys We all get to agree that 2016 was a weird year. I say "was" even though it isn't actually over yet. I'm confident in
Politics Episode 11: The World of Guardians We somehow made it through our first year of Strangerville. The learning curve has been steep, and will surely continue to be so. But somehow Jolyn and I have survived
Rebecca Airbnb I'm having some sort of midlife crisis recently, one that I don't have the stamina to try to explain right now. It's causing me
Wade Halloween Costumes I love Halloween like a fat kid loves cake. And when I was a child I was actually pretty creative when it came to Halloween costumes. I got this gene
Life A Colorado Wedding My childhood best friend Sam asked me a few weeks ago to officiate his wedding in Colorado, a wedding that happened on Saturday. Obviously I immediately began preparing FOR MY
Ridiculous A New Flaw I've been having this really weird problem lately so I texted Sam about it because he's an orthodontist so I insist on going to him for
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Matt thinks he has Ebola and I've been very insensitive about it each and every time he calls or texts to provide me unsolicited updates. I've
Ridiculous Visiting Sam I'm visiting Sam in Boulder this weekend. Well, that's a lie. He lives in a place called "Broomfield." I don't know why I put quotation marks around that word. It looks like I don't
Ridiculous The Lost Journal Series, Part XI Because it's been a while. February 15, 1995 (10 years old): Did you know that if you turn a butterfly from a slug it doesnt turn back and thats why when a persen changes in to a better HUMAN BEING they will
Ironman Ironman Boulder, 2015 Young Wade and I stayed with my childhood best friend Sam who lives just outside of Boulder. I dragged Young Wade out of bed at the witching hour on Friday
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions Rebecca has been out of my life for two weeks now and I'M NOT PLEASED. I haven't heard much from her. But last weekend she called
Ollie Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions My five-year-old niece Emrie, formerly known as "the niece who hates me," called me tonight to ask if she can come sleep over at my house. Our relationship
Ridiculous Fifth Grade Notebook After her last visit to my home, at the end of which Cathie ominously announced to all within earshot that she would expect me to clear out all of my
Ridiculous Halloween, 1995 I should be 100% way too embarrassed to share this photo with you. But I just can't help it. It is too horrifically glorious to keep it all
Corey Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions So the other day I wrote that post [https://www.itjustgetsstranger.com/2014/08/sweatblock-is-like-father-to-me.html] about how SweatBlock has completely changed my life since parents have stopped pulling their
Corey "Sam" Diego I abandoned you for a few days and now everyone is mad at me and nobody is even telling me how good my hair looks right this second. AND THIS
Ridiculous DID YOU GUYS KNOW PEOPLE HAVE A REGULAR DOCTOR?! My communication to you about Tami [https://www.itjustgetsstranger.com/2014/07/tami.html] has been a little controversial recently. Some of you have not been nearly as welcoming of